If you ever tried to see a picture after clicking a thumbnail of it and you ended up in shareapic.net with an error message saying "Forbidden Gallery" or "Access Denied - This is a non public gallery" then you may be intrigued. What is behind this non-public galleries?
The reason is not related to the type of content you are searching for, whether it is some sexy girl picture or a wallpaper landscape, the reason behind those galleries not being available is more related to Shareapic.net administrators than the user who uploaded the content.
Galleries are banned for several reasons. It is true that galleries with nudity, offensive material and that type of content are banned by administrators. But if you found yourself wanting to look a beautiful landscape the reason is more likely to be the user who uploaded the picture has been scammed.
Many more users find themselves being fooled by Shareapic.net money making system. Administrators simply boot the users when time for payment comes (around the time when the user gets to accumulate 20 USD). What is worse, no explanation nor a feedback or response can be found on the reasons.
So, if you find shareapic pictures not being public, then you can guess what has happened. "Another one bites the dust" and makes money for the owners for free.
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